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Does vitamin D help treat hay fever and asthma?

Does vitamin D help treat hay fever and asthma?>

Vitamin D against allergies

Vitamin D has a positive effect on our health, a favour. Many studies even believe vitamin D as a miracle cure against corona. The vitamin is also said to suppress autoimmune diseases.

The link between vitamin D and hay fever

Blocked nose, sneezing fits, tears in the eyes – if you have hay feverYou know these symptoms well. Have you tried vitamin D yet? Studies show an association between vitamin D and the severity of allergies. For example, in one case, participants between the ages of 18 and 55 who had higher levels of vitamin D in their bodies were significantly lower or less severe. Hay fever affected. The same applies to other allergies.

This is how vitamin D enters our bodies

Our body is able to produce vitamins on its own when exposed to sunlight. Some are more, some are less. In order to keep the vitamin D balance high, it can also be taken through food. Most vitamin D is found in oily fish (tuna, herring, sardines, and salmon). Other sources include liver, egg yolks, and margarine that is fortified with vitamin D.

The study shows treatment options

The results of the study reveal the possible forms of treatment that are actually being used. For example, it’s called sublingual immunotherapy, or SLIT for short. This treatment is especially suitable if you are afraid of injections. Because with this type of treatment, an allergen extract is applied to the tongue.

The clinical efficacy of SLIT was compared with and without vitamin D administration in a study of children aged five to 12 years. The result was that the treatment was better for the children who were also given vitamin D. They had even less asthma. This enabled the researchers to demonstrate that there was, in fact, a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the severity of the allergic reaction.

Beware of overdoses

Anyone who thinks it’s okay to have as much vitamin D as possible is wrong. As with almost everything: Vitamin D is healthy only in moderation, not in the crowd. Excess vitamin D leads to hypercalcemia, weakness and upset of the digestive system, and abnormal deposits of calcium in the kidneys and blood vessel walls. When it comes to Vitamin D, it is best to talk to your family doctor about the right treatment.