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Ihr wollt vom iPhone auf Android wechseln? Diese Google-app hilft dabei

Do you want to switch from iPhone to Android? This Google app helps with that

Not only apple They would like to make it as easy as possible for platform changers to access their ecosystem as well The Google Now an application is displayed iOSIt should show users the way to Android. Helps collect personal information from a Iphone Bring it to your Android smartphone.

Apple has always offered Android users wanting to switch to an app that makes switching to iOS easier. The Move to iOS app is available for Android and handles the transfer of a large amount of user data from Android smartphones to the new iPhone. There is now something similar for iOS – for users who want to turn off their iPhone and switch to Android.

Switch to Android app is available at App Store for iOS and works like its Apple counterpart.

This is how Google’s iOS app helps when switching to Android

Application Switch to Android It basically does what Apple’s Android app does when switching between platforms, but a little less. Transfer media like photos or videos, contacts and calendars from iPhone to Android smartphone. The transmission is carried out wirelessly, as well as in the opposite direction. Android already has a migration assistant that can take over the data from the iPhone. However, more data flows when using a wired connection, such as a Lightning to USB-C cable.
Have you ever thought of leaving iOS and going for Android smartphones? Share your thoughts!

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