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Boris Johnson with his back against the wall

Experts say Boris Johnson already has his back against the wall, but …

“No one knows how far he will go to secure power”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 57, is currently still in office. But experts agree that the politician is too weak. The fear of being unpredictable is growing.

Publication date: 07.06.2022 at 20:33


Updated: 10:40 AM

A day after surviving a vote of no confidence, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (57) stood in front of the cameras on Tuesday morning. Just a few hours ago, 211 MPs from his Conservative party had given him their confidence. This makes it clear: Johnson will remain prime minister – at least for now.

Speaking of a “streak,” Johnson wants to leave the Partigate’s case behind and looks forward. “But it is not that simple. Johnson is significantly weak,” says Great Britain expert Gerhard Danemann (63) of the Center for British Studies in Berlin. The symbolic number of 100 deputies against Johnson was the first limit. Now there were even 148 deputies. That is an order historically bad.