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Boats push the entire American island into the middle of the lake

Boats push the entire American island into the middle of the lake

In Chippewa Flowage, Wisconsin, huge floating islands regularly cause problems. The huge masses of mud and plant matter are technically swamps, not islands. They are so large that they can support trees.

One of them is near a bridge that could be blocked if the island moves. As IFL Science writes, it took 25 boats to push the swamp back into the lake. The result is a video that seems strange at first glance.

But the postponement certainly makes sense. Because: The trees on the island catch the wind. This pushes the land mass across the lake. Since the island often drifts toward the bridge, residents have to carry out the procedure using boats.

In Minnesota, a similar problem suggested simply blowing up floating islands. But the Great Chippewa Flowage has been around for decades and is home to a variety of animal and plant species.

Therefore, local wildlife authorities prefer methods of dealing with the problem that do not negatively impact wildlife.

The Chippewa Flowage was created in 1923 by flooding wetlands. Some areas turned into peat swamps when they floated to the surface. Wind and birds helped the grasses and trees reach these floating swamps.

Some of the largest floating swamp islands in their history split into smaller islands before eventually disappearing. But new things can always come out. “Although the waterway was created 80 years ago, new marshes could appear at any time,” the Chippewa Flowage website says.