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Beatrice Egli: I was photographed with this singer!

Beatrice Egli: I was photographed with this singer!

The love life of pop singer Beatrice Egli is a well-kept secret. But also a subject around which there is a lot of speculation. Egli is often said to be in a relationship, especially with his colleague Florian Silbereisen. The fact that the two subsequently released a duet titled “Only We Know That” fueled the love rumours. But is Silbereisen really the man who owns Egli's heart?

Beatrice Egli in conversation with Oliver Pollack: I was photographed with this singer

In the Deutschlandfunk Culture-Podcast “Polaks Schlagertalk” Egli talks openly about her private life with host Oliver Polak. When it comes to music, the Swiss woman admits that she loves Italian music. She was particularly drawn to one musician: “I'm a big fan of Eros Ramazzotti.” Egli is not only a fan, she can also imagine working with the artist. “For me, this is the kind of man I would like to sing with,” Egli continues.

The singer reveals that she met him in private. However, it was only by chance. She and Ramazzotti stayed in the same hotel while on vacation. But Egli doesn't talk about how exactly the meeting happened.

Beatrice Egli: What's going on in her love life?

Of course, Pollack did not ignore the question of what Egli's love life looks like. The singer remained unmoved and simply said: “As for my love life, everyone can interpret my words as they want.” The topic is a private matter for her, even if she likes to “sing” about it in her songs.

Only those who know whether Beatrice Egli is in a relationship or not. But perhaps one can hope for a duo between her and Eros Ramazzotti.