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American basketball player Peterson plays for Germany in Paris

American basketball player Peterson plays for Germany in Paris

German basketball players can count on a new player to develop at the Paris Olympics. After choosing Germany, 28-year-old American Alexis Peterson joined national coach Lisa Tomides' squad (52), which initially consisted of 15 players. This was announced by the German Basketball Association (DBB).

However, three WNBA players Leoni Fibić, Nayara Sabally (both New York Liberty) and Satu Sabally (Dallas Wings) are still absent from the preseason lineup. The trio will not be released from the NBA until later. The DBB squad will begin training together in Würzburg on 28 June, followed by two international test matches (5/7 July 2024) in Helsinki against Finland.

According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Peterson was one of a group of eleven athletes who decided to change countries. Peterson, who is from Columbus, Ohio, now holds a German passport in addition to her American passport, and is scheduled to play not only for the German national team in Paris, but also in the 2025 European Championship (preliminary round in Hamburg). And in the World Cup on home soil in 2026 in Berlin.

The final decision on which German team to compete for at the Olympics will be made by Svenja Bronkhorst and Sonja Greinacher (also qualified in the 3×3).

For the women's national team, it is the first Olympic participation in its history. In the third group, the Thomaides team will face the most prominent candidates of the United States, Japan and Belgium.

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