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Amazon is building a top-secret data center for the Australian government

Amazon is building a top-secret data center for the Australian government

As the government of one of the largest countries in the world, who do you ask when it comes to asserting its own sovereignty and security capabilities with modern technologies? Amazon of course. At least that's the answer from the Australian government.
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Amazon Web Services as a government service provider

Amazon Web Services is one step Bloomberg A quote from Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles announced that a new cloud system will soon begin to be used only by the government and its agencies. For this purpose, at least three new data centers will be set up to process highly confidential data.

Australia wants to invest at least two billion Australian dollars in the system over the next ten years, which equates to about one billion euros. Where the new data centers will be built has not yet been announced. Amazon's cloud division's collaboration aims to increase the resilience of the Australian Armed Forces.

It should also be about expanding warfighting capabilities and improving interoperability with key international partners. The deal with Amazon will create 2,000 new jobs in Australia. Amazon will initially set up three data centers in different locations that will store “highly classified information” from Australia's security and intelligence authorities.

It is by no means unusual that AWS is active as a service provider for government authorities and, along with Microsoft and Google, is one of the largest cloud data centers in the world. A similar deal with the New Zealand government was announced in 2021, as part of which Amazon Web Services built data centers from authorities there. The order volume was equal to a good 4.2 billion euros. In Great Britain, Amazon's cloud division also acts as a service provider for local government when it comes to hosting services.


  • Australia partners with Amazon for new cloud system
  • AWS is building three data centers for Australian government data
  • A two billion Australian dollar investment is planned
  • Its purpose is to strengthen Australia's defense capability
  • Expansion of combat capabilities and international cooperation
  • The project will create 2000 jobs in Australia
  • Similar AWS projects have already been implemented in New Zealand and Great Britain

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