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Amazing hand painted Lamborghini

Amazing hand painted Lamborghini

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To be sure, the Lamborghini Revuelto is anything but an everyday car. But a very special paint job turns the model into a real collector’s item.

There are very different ways to choose paint. While some people like to follow this trend, others simply choose the cheapest color available at no additional charge. For others, it can’t be unusual enough – they opt for matte black, for example. But for some people, this isn’t extreme enough: for example, one YouTuber painted his Audi S4 with very special color-changing pigments. Italian sports car manufacturer Lamborghini has now introduced the Bullet with a very special paint.

Lamborghini Revuelto Opera Unica: a special type of paint

Not only the appearance, but also the name of the car that Lamborghini has now presented at Art Basel Miami Beach is exceptional: Revuelto Opera Unica. According to the car’s manufacturer, the painting was an entirely manual work – and took a lot of time: it took 435 hours to complete. If you assume that one worker works eight hours a day, that would be about 54 full working days. Only 435 hours were necessary to implement the board – previously developing and testing the process would have taken approximately ten full working days. For one car, mind you.

Time consumption: According to Lamborghini, it took 435 hours to paint the Revuelto Opera Unica. © Lamborghini

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The special paintwork aims to emphasize the speed of the car, which has a power of 1,015 hp

“The dynamic, hand-made exterior paint emphasizes the aerodynamics and speed of the car,” Lamborghini design director Mitya Borkert explains the reason behind the extravagant paintwork, which is based on a kind of color gradient from purple to black. As you know, the Revuelto (successor to the Aventador) produces an amazing power of 1,015 horsepower from a V12 engine in combination with three electric motors, accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds and reaches a top speed of more than 350 km/h. h put there.

The special color scheme also continues inside. According to Lamborghini, the asymmetrical color design took another 220 hours of work to create. Even the cover above the on/off button is decorated accordingly. Huge cost for one car? definitely. But it could still be more extreme: designing the Bugatti Divo with a ladybug look had brought designers to the brink of despair some time ago, according to their own statement. In the end, the project was a success, a year and a half after it was completed.