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'Always on Sundays': Viewers at 180 – 'Better Cancel'

'Always on Sundays': Viewers at 180 – 'Better Cancel'

Always on Sundays will hit ARD screens again for the first time in 2024 on Sunday (June 16) – much to the delight of viewers, one might think. But there is one thing that really bothers the audience.

You can influence again! From now on, Stefan Mros will present “Always on Sundays” week after week. This was also the case on June 16. After the presenter initially creates an emotional moment with his mother (as mentioned), the mood of the audience changes as the show progresses.

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The reason for public dissatisfaction is audio technology. It shakes every now and then throughout the show. For example, microphones malfunction when some of the show's guests want to speak. You can hear them quieter than usual.

It’s too much for the public. They’re venting their outrage on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter). “Dude, you should have cancelled Always on Sundays if the technology didn’t work,” says one X user, for example. “Even the booting feels like it’s made of cotton wool,” complains another.

“The intern sits at the sound”, “When the sound control is back on track at ten-thirty” and “The sound engineer must report to the recruitment office on Monday” are other comments on the programme.

Whether technical problems are related to the SWR strike? The broadcast of “Always on Sunday” was in jeopardy. “For the first time in this collective bargaining round, Verdi, the Association of German Journalists (DJV) and the media union VRFF have called all-day warning strikes over several days at the second-largest broadcaster ARD,” SWR said (we previously reported this). .

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Finally it became clear: the show could happen. Even if it was a little jerky. It is certain that the majority of viewers are happy that the entertainment program has not been cancelled.