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AfD – Mayor of Essen: There is no room for hatred and agitation – Politics

AfD – Mayor of Essen: There is no room for hatred and agitation – Politics

Essen (dpa/lnw) – Essen Mayor Thomas Köven believes that democracy is under pressure, so he encouraged diversity, tolerance and freedom. “If the extremists in our country spread their undemocratic and inhuman point of view, then we as democrats must raise our voices against it,” the CDU politician said at a large event attended by tens of thousands of participants in the Ruhr region city. He stressed, according to the manuscript of the speech, that democracy, separation of powers, equality, and the rule of law are non-negotiable matters.

“Today we want to stand together for our democracy, for freedom, diversity and tolerance and take a clear stand against exclusion and extremism,” the mayor said Saturday at an event near Groggahalli, where the AfD is holding its second congress. At a time when “the voices of those who openly reject our democracy and our free society are rising, it is good to see so many people sending a strong signal against it.” There is no place for hatred in Essen, either.

On Saturday, a broad coalition took part in the central protest meeting organized by the city of Essen in the car park of the trade fair.

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