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A team from Burgdorf High School took first place in the Superteam competition

A team from Burgdorf High School took first place in the Superteam competition

Castle village

At the RoboCupJunior European Championship, held during the Ideas Expo, the Burgdorf High School (Gymbu) team achieved a sensational first place in the Superteam competition. Paul Haynes and Torben Klugman are the lucky winners who competed in the simulation league from Burgdorf High School.

After three exciting days of competition, in which the Burgdorf High School team was able to compete with other teams at European level for the first time, the so-called Superteam competition was held on Saturday. In this case, the organizers decided to divide all team members from the five competing teams using lots. Jimbo's team was brought together and met a member of the Italian team and a member from Egypt.

The four new teams were given the joint task of programming a standard robot with a limited number of sensors and creating a virtual map according to certain rules. All teams must then follow each map created by the individual teams and the points achieved must be counted. The task was set on Saturday afternoon and the new teams had until Sunday morning to find solutions for each.

Superteam competition is all about connecting with other teams and cooperating. The boys put their heads together, arranged to meet on Discord and exchanged tokens with each other.

Even if things don't go smoothly everywhere, this part in particular shows the special spirit of the entire RoboCupJunior competition.

Through collaboration and exchange, the Burgdorf High School team was able to benefit from the experiences of the other two team members, but also contribute to the group.

On Sunday morning, the new teams competed against each other and let their virtual robots run around in specially designed worlds. Ironically, Jimbo's student robot only failed in its own world, but ran confidently in all the other worlds. This resulted in them taking first place in the Superteam competition and allowed the two students from Burgdorf High School to go home with great pride.

Italian team Bidon Dei Squazzi, one of whose team members worked with the two boys from Burgdorf High School, became European champions in the simulation league. In the regular league simulation, Burgdorf's team achieved fifth place, which was expected given its limited experience. However, progress and, above all, winning in the Super Team leads to a significant increase in motivation and goals for the coming year.

Paul and Torben had been supported by Anton Schar since the twelfth grade, who, however, was less able to support the two students as a coach and more helpful in solving technical problems in the organization. Anton's ability to identify and correct errors in recently published versions of the software was quickly recognized by the league presidents (officials at international level) and led to Anton being appointed as a volunteer (assistant) for the events taking place at the World Championships in July in Eindhoven (Netherlands).

Furthermore, Burgdorf High School had been supervised by Johanna Becke since the eleventh year. Having already helped Joanna in the qualifying tournament in February, she also helped out with the Rescue League referees team during the European Championships and gained experience.