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A piece of ice fell from the plane and almost killed the family

A piece of ice fell from the plane and almost killed the family

Plane in the Sky (Avatar): A family whose house is directly under the flight path was almost killed by a piece of ice that fell from a plane.Image:

A New Jersey family was nearly killed when a huge chunk of ice fell from the plane and landed right next to them.

Simon Bischoff/T Online

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t online

With a lot of luck and a lot of shock, a family escaped from Paterson (USA). The Gomez family was sitting at the table in their backyard on Wednesday evening when a large chunk of ice fell from the sky and struck less than three meters away from them, the New York Post reported. “At first we heard a hollow noise and didn't think anything of it,” Sabrina Gomez said. But then suddenly there was a loud crashing noise.

Surveillance footage from the backyard showed the family jumping out of their seats when they heard the piece of ice smashing to the ground. “When he fell, he destroyed everything,” Paul Gomez was quoted as saying by 12 News New Jersey. He said the family home was located directly under the flight path.

Serious damage to the roof of the house

Everyone rushed to the front of the house. There were small pieces of ice scattered all over the trail. “It was a little scary, but thank God no one was hurt,” Sabrina Gomez added. Some rocks had smashed through the roof of the house and the damage was so severe that they may need a completely new roof.

The family has filed a request with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to investigate the incident because they believe the piece of ice fell from a passing plane.

Ice formation on planes

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), planes can freeze due to extremely cold water. This happens when the liquid freezes when it hits the plane in the sky.

“This can happen when an aircraft flies near the top of a cold air mass under a layer of warm air. This is the case, for example, with freezing rain in front of a warm front in winter. “As the aircraft flies through warm, humid air that has been “Absorbed in the cold, they encounter extremely cold water in liquid form, which then freezes at the leading edges of the aircraft.”

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From London to New York in three and a half hours


From London to New York in three and a half hours

Introduction: The supersonic plane, which has a maximum speed of Mach 1.7, is scheduled to fly for the first time in 2026 and carry passengers from 2029.

Source: Supersonic Boom

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