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A photo project as Beilngrieser’s contribution to Cultures Week

A photo project as Beilngrieser’s contribution to Cultures Week

“Let the pictures speak”: Ingrid Deutsch (front right, clockwise), Mevlut Altuntaş, Jan Vaizi and Vera Rogacheva carried out a joint photo project. Photo: F. Reger

Beilngries participated in Cultures Week with a photo project. The focus was on the seat on which everyone was allowed to sit – but there was no room for discrimination.

Four words. And an exclamation mark. “There is no place for discrimination!” This message is the focus of Cultures Week, in which the Eichstadt region is participating again this year. There are corresponding projects and campaigns in many communities. This was the case in Beilngries last Saturday.

As previously reported, the 10th anniversary of the Neighborhood Aid was celebrated at a citizens’ meeting at the old fire station. Intercultural commitment has always been implemented in the volunteer group – because it does not matter to the helpers what skin color, cultural roots, age or gender the person in need of a “good neighbor” has.

“Helping the neighborhoods created the foundation for us to be able to do the integration work,” Kirsten Probst, an integration officer at Bellingrace, summed it up: “Helping the neighborhoods created the foundation for us to be able to do the integration work.”

Bank by private message

As a complement to the anniversary celebration and as a contribution to Cultures Week, there was also a photo project on Saturday led by Ingrid Deutsch, second in the group of integration officers. The focus was on the bench. Not a regular bank, mind you. But the message mentioned at the beginning can be read: “There is no place for discrimination.”

This bench had already ‘roamed’ through the area in the run-up to Cultures Week. And in Beilngries they were once again the focus of the action. In collaboration with Vera Rogacheva and Jan Vaizi and with the support of Mevlut Altuntaş, anyone interested had the opportunity to have their photo taken on the bench on Saturday.

He likes to be creative, and likes to use unusual situations. Talk to each other and have fun together – no matter what characteristics each person has. There was room for everyone, but not for discrimination.

Passionate photographers

Jan Vaisi and Vera Rogacheva explained in an interview with our newspaper that photography plays an important role in their lives. The latter was working as a photographer in Ukraine – with a lot of compassion, specializing in people who are not happy with their appearance and actually do not like to be photographed. Here at Belingris, this photography project is her first foray into photography.

Jean Faizey, in turn, emphasized that the campaign’s message was extremely important to him – because in his life he often felt excluded and thus lonely. Being able to experience that many people work together for friendly cooperation means a lot to him.

“Beautiful pictures taken”

Ingrid Deutsch said in an interview with our newspaper that they were very satisfied with the way the campaign went. “It has been very well received.” And: “Beautiful pictures were taken.”

In the next step, the audience can also see this for themselves – because a selection of them is still shown, albeit from people who have agreed to be published. This is planned for Wilde Emma, ​​which will premiere on the weekend of October 7 and 8. In addition, the photos should then be displayed in the guest’s home if possible.

If you would like to find out more about Culture Week and upcoming activities in the Eichstätt region, you can find it online at
