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600 million views gone – Moi's YouTube channel deleted

600 million views gone – Moi's YouTube channel deleted


Moyes, once a fixture in the German YouTube scene, has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. After achieving great success, he attracted millions of viewers to his channel and built an impressive media empire.

He was known for featuring controversial and influential people in his videos, which increased his popularity. But this fame did not last. Recently, Moyes has become increasingly unreachable, turning off comments on his posts and gradually distancing himself from the community that once made him great.

The decision to remove all videos from his YouTube channel marks a profound turning point in his career. This move not only baffled and disappointed his loyal followers, but also raised questions about his future career direction.

The past is erased

Critics such as Just Nero accused him of abandoning not only his fan base, but also an important source of income. By deleting old videos, Moyes gave up a potential monthly income of around €15,000 that he could generate through existing content.

This drastic change in his YouTube career may be related to his new business ventures. Mois recently announced the launch of three new companies, including Avenue.369, MoiSnack369 and MacMois369, signaling a significant expansion of its business activities.

These new projects could be a reason for him to withdraw from active content creation because they may require his full attention. However, many questions remain, particularly how these business ventures will impact his public perception and financial future.

Moyes' future remains uncertain. While he appears to have drawn a clear line in the sand by deleting his YouTube videos, his recent business trend suggests he wants to explore new avenues. Reactions to his new projects have been mixed. Some admire his tireless entrepreneurial spirit, while others are skeptical, especially in light of past controversies and the way he ended his YouTube career.

And here's a screenshot of the views of all his videos on the main channel:

Mois deletes all videos