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5 Signs You're Still Mourning Your Ex

5 Signs You're Still Mourning Your Ex

Just because you're officially broken up doesn't mean you're over the breakup. How do you know if there's still feelings? And when are you ready for something new? If you're experiencing these signs, you're (unfortunately) not over the breakup yet…

1. …you stalk him on social media

Is she checking your WhatsApp status as well as your latest Instagram posts? That’s not a good sign! If you’re truly over your ex, she won’t care about any of this anymore.

2. …his stuff is in your apartment

Is the picture from your last vacation still on your dresser or the shirt you always wore to bed in your closet? Part of a proper breakup involves packing up your ex’s things or returning them to him. If you don’t feel ready for that, you’re still in the relationship.

3. …you write to him/her over and over again

A very cool and casual, “Hey, how are you?” should sound like this – so soon after a breakup it can seem very clingy. Of course, there doesn’t have to be a no-contact situation and you can certainly be friends with your ex, but some distance early in the breakup is important. If you want to text them, resist the urge and text a friend instead. Or delete their number so you don’t get tempted at all.

4. …talking about him all the time

And no, this doesn’t mean you’re pouring your heart out to your best friend because you’re heartbroken. That’s actually a good and important thing! Instead, you’re mourning the time you had together, talking about how great this person was and how you can’t understand why it ended… This way you show that you’re still very attached to them and simply don’t want to accept the breakup.

5. …react jealously

Who is this woman/man from his/her last Instagram story? It is quite understandable that something like this does not leave you indifferent. But if you are no longer in a relationship with your ex, you will not act jealously towards his/her new acquaintances. On the contrary: you are happy for him/her. If not, then you are not over the breakup yet.

The first thing you need to do is draw a line. If you live separately, this is usually easier: take his stuff out of your apartment and return it to him or put it downstairs first. new beginning It only works if not everything in your apartment (or old apartment) reminds you of your ex.

These days, social media makes breaking up especially difficult. If you constantly see your ex and follow what they do, it can be hard to let go. You don’t have to unfollow them, but deactivate posts for a while (this works in Instagram settings) so you can get some distance. Sometimes this is hard, for example if they are the parent of your children, but even then it’s possible to at least keep contact to a minimum until you feel better.