
Complete News World

27 funny pictures of animals like koalas, dogs and goats

27 funny pictures of animals like koalas, dogs and goats

good news

Corinna Mail

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Beautiful news everyone!

The sun is shining (halfway through), the coffee is hot, and funny animal pictures are finally back. The world is right at this moment.


Nice news about animal fox

Sorry boss…

Cute animal cat sitting on laptop

Don't miss more cool news:

Sit down now, or we'll never get any food.

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3, 2, 1…

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This is also called a small snack.

Nice news about elephant

Did someone call a taxi?

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Do you have more snacks?

Nice news about marmots

What does it not mean here?!

Nice news about marmots

The gang is here:

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Did you do any exercise today?

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In the summer there are really good snacks.

Nice news about animal chicken


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Small sparks:

Good news animal dog dolphin

Here are more animal friendships:


Capybaras are friends with all animals

Source: Imgur

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(The good news continues below.)

spider kitty:

Cute Cat Animal News

If you overdo the eyeliner again:

Cute news about animal monkey

Tongue of the week:

Nice news about koala

Is anyone coming to play volleyball?

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Today's coolest animal mom is:

Nice news about the opossum

So we can learn something else today: this is the aardwolf.

Nice news about the aardwolf

As you can easily see, they belong to the hyena family.

Nice news about the aardwolf

They are the smallest of the hyenas. Their shoulder height reaches 50 cm.

Nice news about aardwolf

Their tongue is covered with sticky saliva so they can lick termites (their main food).

Nice news about the aardwolf

Females gestate for approximately 90 days and give birth to 2 to 4 young in each litter. Young animals do not leave the burrow until after a month.

Nice news about the aardwolf

Aardwolves are nocturnal animals, but they sometimes leave their dens in the late afternoon to hunt.

Nice news about the aardwolf

Aardwolves are native to western and southern Africa.

Nice news about the aardwolf

One last fun fact: They communicate primarily through smell. Aardwolves have two anal glands that secrete a black fluid that they use to mark their territory and send messages to other aardwolves.

Nice news about the aardwolf

In general, they only become vocal when confronted with intruders or predators. In these cases, aardwolves may make a chattering sound, a deep growl, or a roar.

As we all move into the weekend:

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Now it's your turn! Share your best animal pictures in the comments section!

What's the nice news?

Every Friday morning at 6am, you'll find the cutest news on Watson. It's a collection of funny and adorable animal photos and videos that have gone viral on the internet in the past week. User input continues in the comment column.

Beautiful and strange caterpillars from Ecuador


Beautiful and exotic caterpillars from Ecuador

Source: Picasa

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Gunso Turtle Skateboard

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