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1st place: This is Germany’s most popular chocolate

1st place: This is Germany’s most popular chocolate

What chocolate is especially popular in Germany? Study provides information about the best brands. But are popular chocolate brands any good? Various tests say so.

Top ten: The strongest chocolate brands

Image: great find

Chocolate is eaten with pleasure and a lot. But which brands of chocolate are in particular demand? to know the company Great find A representative survey was conducted. The result is a top ten list.

It is not surprising: the most famous brands are usually the most popular or the most powerful. Milka comes first with a brand index of 69.7 points. According to the study, Milka not only has a high level of awareness at 97 percent, but with an image score of 71.8 points (out of a possible 100 points), the brand is also well regarded.

Behind Ritter Sport, 69 points. In the photo standings, the Ritter Sport is ahead of the Milka, albeit by only 0.6 points (72.4 points versus 71.8 points).

Merci, Lindt, and Kinder Schokolade took third to fifth place—all brands with a combined score of 64 or more, relatively close together.

(Please click here if you don’t see the top 10 photos)

Known and popular – but not necessarily good

An old test by ÖKO-TEST shows that well-known and popular chocolate brands don’t automatically have to be good: in the 2019 study, Milka and Lindt failed with “poor”. For example, the excessive content of mineral oil ingredients and the lack of transparency in cocoa production have been criticized.

On the other hand, Ritter Sport did well here, although there are also discounts in terms of transparency.

The picture at Stiftung Warentest looks a little different, because here Milka reached second place with an overall rating of 2.0 along with other brands. The difference in results should come as no surprise: depending on the standards tested and the priorities you set yourself, the products perform differently. At Stiftung Warentest, for example, more emphasis is placed on taste and consistency, while in ÖKO-TEST categories such as supply chains, more weight is given.

Our summary of the different chocolate tests can be found here.