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15 funny pictures that you will only understand if you are a teacher or want to become one

15 funny pictures that you will only understand if you are a teacher or want to become one

  1. BuzzFeed
  2. entertainment


from: Michelle Anskett

A lot of people did that in school, right? © Instagram: @referendar.memes

These pictures are for anyone whose class never goes the way this beautiful lesson plan intended.

Perhaps you are in the middle of your legal career or have already been a teacher for a few years. Either way, you’ve probably already noticed that many of your colleagues have quite similar experiences, and honestly? It’s best summed up in a few fictional memes. A good starting point for this is the Instagram page @ Referendar. memeswhich collects exactly these positions and we present some of the best ones here.

You can use this to dry your tears when a well-prepared lesson goes down the drain again:

1. At least you won’t have to go to the gym after school.

2. Clothes make the man, right?

3. Especially before an exam:

4. After all, relaxation is a must:


5. Then your achievements will at least keep you warm:

6. “Isn’t that Mr/Ms…..” “No, it isn’t!”

7. After all, you changed a whole sentence:

8. Teachers notice something like this (at least at best…):

9. It Was Worth Trying… Or Maybe Not:

10. It is difficult for you to know that the substitute teacher watched a movie with the students instead:

11. Guaranteed to Work:

12. Actually the best thing about the job:

13. Like a Slap in the Face:

14. Not with me, my friend:

15. For the next hit, it’s bound to happen again:

do you want more? Then here are 15 tweets that sum up everyday life as a teacher better than: “What? Apples? Pears?”