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11 tips for wrinkle-free clothes and more space in your bag

11 tips for wrinkle-free clothes and more space in your bag

It's not long until the long-awaited holiday season! In “SAT.1 Leave Examination!” We will tell you all the tips and tricks for your summer trip. Before we get started, we still have to pack our bags. Don't worry, here you will discover how to organize your clothes in a wrinkle-free and organized way!

The Big SAT.1 Leave Exam! Stream on Gwen.

Want to know if you can pre-register or on-site for the hotel and activities? Car Rental Should you decide? We'll show you in “Check out SAT.1 Holiday!“.We will tell you the best ones Upgrade hacks For a luxury trip Deal Prices And provide the best Bad weather alternatives For your trip! There is also a big one Handbag Challenge: A week-long holiday in Mallorca with a backpack – is this even possible?

However, before you embark on your trip and begin your vacation, there is one more thing you need to do: this bag pack!

Pack your bags efficiently with proper planning.

Whether you're in Mallorca with a carry-on or a rental car trip – throwing everything in your suitcase the day before departure is not a good idea for a longer vacation. Because it's easy to end up with too much or too little and, above all, the wrong clothes in your bag.

Better catch disciplined Start thinking about your vacation and packing your bags. Find out this climate At your holiday destination, think about what you want to do and what clothing you need for it. Is there one at the hotel? The dress to be wornDo you need open toes, ballerinas, pumps or Slippers?

The easiest way is to have one existing To create this you always have it on hand and can add to it. Notebook or notepad in smart phone Provide good service. There you can write everything you want to take with you and what you may still need to clarify or get. You can also use checklists you can find online for different types of vacations.

When the holidays approach, it's time to go The second phase: Everything you want to take with you and no longer need by that time, put it aside and mark it on your list. So you always have everything in mind.

Shortly before the vacation – for some it is several days, for others – just a few hours – clothes go into the suitcase. Before that, take a close look at the items of clothing you have prepared: should you take everything with you or maybe you can leave one of the nine summer dresses or one of the six swimsuits at home?

In the clip: 5 tips to make traveling easier for you

Pack Smart: 5 Tips to Make Traveling Easier

Pack your suitcase right: 11 tips for space-saving and wrinkle-free packing

Everything is ready – but how do you pack your bag properly so that everything is there? fit fit And Wrinkle free remains? We've put together 11 ultimate tips for packing properly for you.

1. Rolling clothes

Roll clothes instead of folding them and putting them in your bag – stay that way Sensitive materials Wrinkle free. The rolls can then be folded completely. Space saving Put it in the bag, and the small rolls can also be hidden in the shoe. Shirts, jackets, dresses, skirts, towels, T-shirts or blouses are folded roughly and then rolled up tightly. For shirts, first fold up the sleeves and sides, then roll them from top to bottom to form a tight roll.

Rolling it saves space – and clothes don't wrinkle easily.© Tatum –

2. Vacuum sealing clothes

Some clothing items are too bulky to fold. But they can easily be combined into one Dump bag Package. Excess air is squeezed out and the volume is reduced by up to 80 percent.

3. Shift system

Rolls and other items are stacked in the bag according to a specific system. They go on the floor Heavy thingsOr jeans, towels, or sweaters and jackets, for example. Updates Gaps Can be filled in small portions. Now the rolls of clothes are stacked close to each other so that the space is used optimally. Important items you want quick access to, like pajamas or a hairbrush, go to the top.

Is it too hot and your hair sticks everywhere? Here you'll find 11 cool hairstyle trends to cool off in the summer heat.

Start your vacation relaxed

4. Paper towels

Instead of rolling up nice blouses, shirts, pantsuits or suits, you can also fold them loosely. like Anti-frizz He has himself tissue paper Tried and tested, you can place it between folded items of clothing. Many business travelers know this trick and use it to transport their work clothes in their suitcases without them getting wrinkled.

5. Pack your clothes

You can save a lot of space if you plan the clothes directly and prepare a set for every day. You can wear pants and skirts multiple times and in different styles Combine clothes. This means you can put together many different outfits with just a few pieces. Focus especially on colorful, trendy clothes, because you can usually only wear white once. Will you run out of sunscreen while traveling? Here we have compiled the best home remedies for spots.

Did you pack your sunscreen but forgot to apply it? Here we tell you 7 home remedies to cool and help treat sunburn.

Packing clothes together in groups also saves time and effort when unpacking.
Packing clothes together in groups also saves time and effort when unpacking.© Costicovanata –

6. Fill shoes with socks.

Sneakers, etc. can easily be lined with socks. So don't just use that cavity In the shoe, but at the same time make sure the shoe stays in place appearance The socks remain a shoe tree. Tissue packs or bandanas work too.

7. Shoe bag

The shoes are individually packed in special shoe bags or pouches. This will prevent any sticking. dirt Your clothes are dirty. Especially on Return journey You will benefit from this while you are on vacation, as it is often not possible. Clean shoes properly.

Fashionable shoes of 2024: What are the 13 models that are currently hotly discussed but very fashionable? Here we will tell you what care shoes made of leather, textile, etc. need. Do you want to clean your white sneakers before your summer vacation? With these simple tips, you will shine like new again.

8. Store cosmetics securely

Transporting cosmetics is always crucial. Too many bottles, cans or tubes take up a lot of space and perfumes or other items can get lost during the trip a leak And dirty laundry. Space problem It can be solved easily, just grab the small Travel Sizes Of shampoo etc. If your favorite product is not available in a small size, you can fill the required amount into travel bottles that you can keep in pharmacy Can be purchased. To avoid leaks, this trick helps: remove the cover and put a layer cling film On the hole and then screw the cover back on.

A seaside holiday on the horizon? This is the ultimate packing list of 12 beach beauty essentials! Here we will tell you about 10 beauty products that you should not miss during a trip to the city. Are you looking for Eid makeup looks? Discover four creative styles and trendy colors for summer.

More tips for packing your cosmetic bag:

9. Leave room for shopping and souvenirs

Huge shopping malls, numerous small shops on the beach promenade or the bazaar in the old town: you will find plenty of opportunities for shopping even on vacation. Souvenirs If you are bringing something with you from your vacation destination, you should not overpack your bag on the way there. So you have Enough space for souvenirs.

10. Plan for laundry

If there is an opportunity to do laundry on site, plan to do so right away laundry With. This way you can save on underwear, shirts and socks and instead take another pretty dress with you. Many holiday apartments are included. washing machine Equipped, you can get it at the hotel. Washing laundry Washing machines are available in most campsites. It is often enough to wash a few items of clothing by hand in the sink.

Here you can find out why baking soda is a true multi-talented home remedy and insider beauty and fashion tip.

It is better to wash once than to carry a lot of luggage.
It is better to wash once than to carry a lot of luggage© Klavdiyev –

11. Wear heavy clothes when traveling

You are planning a plane trip and you have Bag weight Already in Limit? Then put on your heaviest, thickest clothes. Anything not in your bag doesn't get weighed. Since it's usually cool on a plane anyway, a cozy, oversized sweater will come in handy.

Need more space in your bag? With these tips you will succeed!