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100 guests in the beer garden at Brüninghaus-Platz

100 guests in the beer garden at Brüninghaus-Platz

  2. Linital
  3. Verdol

He presses

100 fans sat in the large beer garden in front of Café-Bar Baroque and watched the activities of the footballers on the green grass on the big screen. © Cole

Lively atmosphere and the excitement of victory in Verdole: more than 100 fans watched the opening match of the European Championship on the spectators.

VERDOL – 30 spectators watched the opening European Championship match between Germany and Scotland on Friday evening at the Reformed Church's Youth Café in Christ Church's Parish Hall. Other matches with German participation during the tournament will then be shown on screen at the community center in Friedenskirche in Effing. The live broadcast began with hot dogs and grilled cheese as well as non-alcoholic soft drinks.

Things looked different on the other side of the street: in the large beer garden in front of Café-Bar Baroque, about 100 fans sat to watch footballers' matches on the green grass on the big screen. There was also a barbecue and beer was served as well. Additional public viewing offers attracted football fans downtown to the music bar Alt Werdohl, the Mythos 24 bar, the Zum Spiegel restaurant, the Pub LA bistro and the Fábrica café bar at the train station.