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These five Swiss celebrities follow a purely vegetarian diet

These five Swiss celebrities follow a purely vegetarian diet

Veganism is no longer a niche phenomenon. Many stars also choose a lifestyle free of animal products – for the sake of their health, the environment, or animal welfare. The plant-based lifestyle is especially popular in Hollywood.

From actors to musicians to athletes – they're showing that a vegan diet is healthy and fashionable. What is it like in Switzerland? Here too there are many characters who follow a vegetarian diet. We present five of them.

Supermodel Anja Loewenberger (31) has been a vegetarian for more than ten years. Her love for animals and environmental protection drove her to this, as she revealed in several interviews. She also tries to live as environmentally consciously as possible in everyday life and, for example, avoids food waste.

On one of her Instagram accounts, she also shares vegan recipes and shows off the vegan treats she makes herself.

Broadcaster and journalist Gulsha Adeleji (38 years old) has been a vegetarian for more than ten years. A few years ago, it would have been strange that she avoided all animal products, including wool and leather. But nowadays, this is not a topic of discussion anymore.

In 2023, she served as an ambassador for “Veganuary”. “Vegan” is a campaign that encourages people to become vegan in January.

Long-distance runner Alina Sunning, 24, has also avoided animal-based products for many years. Sonning is the Swiss under-23 ten-kilometer record holder and proves that you can achieve peak performance even without animal proteins.

She became a vegetarian because of her love for animals. However, there are now also health benefits to them. She explains on the “Watson” program that she noticed a faster regeneration time thanks to her plant-based diet.

Influencer and entrepreneur Anya Zeidler (30) is probably the most famous vegan in Switzerland.

There are also always critical and insulting comments regarding her diet on her Instagram account. But Zeidler doesn't let that deter him. She continues to share scenes from daily life as a mother in a good mood and also vegetarian recipes.

Jonas Reiss (30), another top athlete, shows that you can achieve peak performance with a plant-based diet. The impressive long-distance runner has already broken several Swiss records.

He has only been eating vegetarian for a few years. However, it is clear that his performance has not decreased since the change in diet.