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Love ended with a lottery millionaire: Chico and his girlfriend broke up

Love ended with a lottery millionaire: Chico and his girlfriend broke up

Chico and Candace broke up. (archive photo)


Chico has won the lottery jackpot several times. However, there was no great happiness in love – he and his girlfriend broke up.

no time? Blue News sums it up for you

  • Kürsat Y. also known as “Chico” publicly declares his lottery winnings of around 10 million euros.
  • More than 800,000 people follow him on Instagram.
  • Now he broke up with his girlfriend.

Nearly two years later, lottery millionaire Kursat Yildirim, known as Chico, announced his breakup with his girlfriend Candice.

Reverse “» He confirmed: «It is true, we have separated. It didn't work out between us, which is a shame.” Despite the breakup, the lottery millionaire wishes the cop “all the best in life.” Candice also confirmed the breakup on her Instagram story and announced a break.

The exact reason for the breakup is unclear. Chico explains: “Maybe we are very different. We have different hobbies, a different circle of friends and often different opinions. According to Chico, there is no other woman in his life either.

“take it easy”

The news comes shortly after Chico purchased a penthouse apartment on Phoenix Lake in Dortmund. He recently spoke about how Candice helped him furnish the €1.5 million apartment.

He doesn't want to find a new woman right away. He plans to “take it easy for now”, but hopes to find a partner again at some point and start a family.

The relationship between Chico, an ex-con, and Candace, a police officer, began on an unusual note during a traffic stop. Despite their differences, it seemed successful at first. Now the differences may have become irreconcilable.